Upcoming contests - March 29 - Clyde, OH & April 5 - Defiance, OH
World Twirling Association
Rules Update September 1, 2024
The following rule changes take effect September 1, 2024
Regarding the name change and content requirements for Individal Dance Twirl and Show Routine, Plus Duet Dance Twirl, Duet Show and Duet Fancy Strut:
The following events may be run at any time during the day.
Typically, they will be mixed in with teams or immediately following teams.
These changes
SOLO SHOW ROUTINE - an individual routine designed to your own music that must include novelty other than ONE BATON. You may also use one baton as part of your routine, but it is not required. Novelty items include but are not limited to: multiple batons (2+), hoops, flags, props, lighted batons, theme related items (hats, boas, etc.), can be themed but not required. No TWIRLING KNIVES allowed or items that could damage the floor. 3:00 max. No minimum time. One level only.
SOLO DANCE TWIRL - an individual routine designed to your own music that is done with ONE BATON only, can be themed but not required. 3:00 max. No minimum time. One level only.
DUET DANCE TWIRL - two people performing a routine designed to their own music that is done with ONE BATON each, can be themed but not required. 3:00 max. No minimum time. One level only.
DUET SHOW ROUTINE - two people performing a routine designed to their own music that must include novelty other than ONE BATON. You may also use one baton as part of your routine, but it is not required. Novelty items include but are not limited to: multiple batons (2+), hoops, flags, props, lighted batons, theme related props (hats, boas, etc.), can be themed but not required. No TWIRLING KNIVES allowed or items that could damage the floor. 3:00 max. No minimum time. One level only.
DUET FANCY STRUT - two people performing a “strutline” routine to their own music. This routine should start at one end of the floor, progress to the opposite end, then turn around and return to the starting end of the floor. One baton each. 3:00 max. No minimum time. One level only.
1. Must be a paid member of the WTA.
2. Must be attending the high school you are representing.
3. Must be in the 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade.
4. Additional titles held, presently holding or competing for have no bearing on competition for
this title.
1. Each contestant will give a presentation that would be comparable to that of a half-time show.
2. Example of content is downfield strut, baton twirling, novelties (two-baton, flag, hoop, etc.; you may
not use knives or any type of fire equipment), dance-twirl, etc.
3. Time limit is 3 minutes maximum (no minimum).
4. Judging will be on over-all show presentation and entertainment value and not on difficulty of tricks
as in a standard solo twirling routine.
5. The performance routine must be choreographed to marching band style music; band music from a
contestant’s own school band or a college band would be appropriate. Contestants must send in a
copy of their music to Headquarters for approval a minimum of 2 weeks before the competition.
Make sure you bring another copy (with name on it) for the day of competition. You might want to
bring an extra copy in case of mechanical difficulty.
6. Each contestant will have the use of the entire performing area.
7. Props are allowable as long as they can be set up in the 2 minutes set-up time limit.
8. Contestants may enter and exit from any part of the performing area.
9. Performance will count 50% toward the final placing. All ties will be broken.
1. Each contestant will appear before the judges in uniform for an interview.
2. Contestants will be scored on Responses, Voice, Composure, Grooming, and Personality.
3. Interview will count 50% toward the final placing. All ties will be broken.
SOLO TWIRLING – Separate Divisions for Girls & Boys offered
At an Open contest, a contestant may enter their classification plus the next advanced classification. At a contest offering State or Regional Championship events, a twirler may enter two classifications in the Open part of the contest PLUS their actual level in the Championship part of the contest. Excessive gymnastics are not recommended in baton events. At the World Majorette Festival, you may only enter 1 championship solo and 1 open solo of the same level. No double entering.
1. This event is designed for special needs twirlers and is the only solo twirling event these twirlers may enter. Age divisions: 3-11 and 12-23. Requirements same as Novice.
1. A Novice twirler must not have won more than three 1st place awards in Solo Twirling competition, regardless of what association or group sponsored such contests. Wins are cumulative.
2. Anyone who has won an Advanced National Championship title in Solo Twirling cannot enter Novice Solo Twirling.
3. Any contestant in the 24-up age division may not enter Novice Solo Twirling.
4. A Novice twirler may not perform more than a 2-spin (under flat or vertical toss), a toss cartwheel, a toss illusion in any direction, a toss walkover, or a toss somersault or toss with any gymnastic move. Those who offend these limitations will receive a 5-point penalty for each infraction.
5. Time: 1-2 minutes, from opening salute to closing salute. Salutes must be held at the shoulder for a minimum of 2 counts.
1. A Beginner must not have won over eight 1st place awards in Solo Twirling competition, regardless of what association or group sponsored such contests. Wins are cumulative.
2. Anyone who has won an Advanced National Championship title in Solo Twirling cannot enter Beginner Solo Twirling.
3. Any contestant in the 24-up age division may not enter Beginner Solo Twirling.
4. A Beginner twirler may not perform more than a 3-spin (flat or vertical). Those who offend this limitation will receive a 5-point penalty for each infraction.
5. Time: 1-2 minutes, from opening salute to closing salute. Salutes must be held at the shoulder for a minimum of 2 counts.
1. An Intermediate must not have won over fifteen 1st place awards in Solo Twirling competition, regardless of what association or group sponsored such contests. Wins are cumulative.
2. Anyone who has won an Advanced National Championship title in Solo Twirling cannot enter Intermediate Solo Twirling.
3. Any contestant in the 24-up age division may not enter Intermediate Solo Twirling.
4. Time: 1:45-2:15, from opening salute to closing salute. Salutes must be held at the shoulder for a minimum of 2 counts.
1. An Advanced twirler is designated as one who has won over fifteen 1st place awards in Solo Twirling competition, regardless of what association or group sponsored such contests. Any twirler may enter Advanced if they feel they can compete on that level. A contestant in the 24-up division must enter Advanced.
2. Time: 2:00-2:30, from opening salute to closing salute. Salutes must be held at the shoulder for a minimum of 2 counts.
Overtime or Undertime 0.1 point per second
Drops (Baton, Parts of Uniform, etc.) 0.5 point per drop
Breaks or Off-Pattern 0.1 point per error
Two-Handed Catches 0.1 point per incorrect catch
Delayed Performance 2.0 points
Novice or Beginner Restrictions 5.0 points per infraction
Failure to Salute/Improper Salute 1.0 point per salute
Loss of Balance or a Slip 0.5 point per error
A Fall 1.0 point per fall
The Novice Division is intended for new groups or groups with little experience.
It is expected that the majority of the members would be novice level twirlers. The following limitations must be observed: no Toss Cartwheels, no Toss Illusions, no Toss Walkovers, no Toss Somersaults or Toss with any gymnastics move, no more than a Two-Spin Flat Toss, and no more than a Two-Spin Vertical Toss. Penalty for not observing the above restrictions is five (5) points per infraction.
World Twirling Association
Rules Update February 1, 2023
In the spirit of competition and sportsmanship, we are amending our rules.
The following rule changes take effect immediately, February 1, 2023.
1. Membership: Contestants and Teams/Corps must have a paid membership to compete in any event. One day memberships are available to purchase with entry for those who want to compete just that one day. Annual membership renewal dates will all be January 1 from now on. Memberships will now be valid January 1 - December 31 of the given year. This will simplify tracking.
2. Fancy Strut: Fancy Strut will be inclusive of all strut formats. Freestyle Strut will no longer be offered. All wins at any organization count toward advancement.
An opening salute is optional. Ending salute required. Routine content should consist of elements listed on the scoresheet, including, but not limited to: kicks, leaps, lunges, other footwork, follow-through, basic strut and balance/flexibility movements. These elements should be executed with correct bodywork and baton technique, proper timing and be in step/on time with the music. Releases and Gymnastics (within your ability) are permitted.
Penalties will be for overtime, drops, fumbles, failure to salute/improper salute, loss of balance or slip, falls and out of step deductions.
Time limit will be 2:00 Max for all levels. No minimum.
3. Team Sizes will be expanded immediately for ALL team events: Twirl Team (Advanced and Novice), Dance Twirl Team (Advanced and Novice), Strutline, Show Team, Pom Pon, High School Line, Dance Line.
Sizes will be: Small 3-5 Members, Medium 6-9 Members, Large 10+ Members
CORPS sizes will remain the same.
4. All Twirl Team and Dance Twirl Team Time Limits will be 3:00 Max. (Advanced and Novice) NO MINIMUM time.
5. Duet Twirl and Duet Fancy Strut will now be offered at TWO Levels. Beginner and Advanced. For Beginner, both contestants must be novice or beginner level twirlers. All other level twirlers must enter advanced duet.
Duet Twirl will run at the same time as Solo and 2 baton. Duet Fancy Strut will run along with Fancy Strut and Box Struts.
Duet Dance Twirls will still remain one level and be run during or directly after teams, up to contest director’s discretion.
6. The contest minimum requirement will be suspended indefinitely for individuals and for teams. State, Regional and National events are open to anyone with a paid membership.
You must still, however, qualify to compete in the World’s Most Beautiful Pageant by placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd in Majorette of the Month at any open contest held between the time of the last pageant and the upcoming pageant.
7. ORDER of EVENTS at contests.
Beginning February 11, 2023 at the next contest in Taylor, Michigan, the order of events at a contest will be as follows:
• Corps/Teams - lineups will be organized and sent to coaches prior to the event when possible. Lineup is prioritized to run smoothly and to try to avoid delays for costume changes.
• Individual Dance Twirl, Individual Show Routines and Duet Dance Twirl and Show Routines will run intermixed with teams when possible and after teams when it is better. Occasionally, at the director’s discretion, these events may run in a separate gym if available.
• ALL Modeling Events including Majorette of the Month, WTA Queen, any extra Holiday modeling event if offered, Circle T Modeling and Fancy Best Appearing.
• Basic Box AND Fancy Strut. These events can run concurrently in separate lanes. Including Duet Fancy Strut.
• Solo, 2 Baton, 3 Baton, Duet Twirl, any other novelty. These events can run concurrently in separate lanes.